Social Media for Beginners: Starting Social Media Marketing Strong

When you are starting to build your social media presence, you want to reflect the reputation you already have established. With that in mind, your head may begin to spin with possibilities, algorithms, learning the ropes, which platform needs hashtags, what best practices to follow, and so much more. You know the importance of strategic efforts. Yet, setting up and implementing those efforts may elude you.

A small budget doesn’t mean you can’t start off on the right foot. Once you have an overall aesthetic, templates to follow, and ideas to bounce off of, you can consider yourself well on your way to stunning feeds. Getting a leg up on your first fifteen or so posts across the mediums may be all it takes to launch with confidence, clarity, and captivation.

When you stock your social feed with great starter content, you are putting your best foot forward for launching that social channel. Investing in a crafted launch ensures you hit these points:

First Impression

Like a first date, you want a refined and polished version of yourself presented. Well, your business social media launch needs a finesse to leave potential customers or clients with a good first impression and a desire to see more. No need to show them all the layers from the initial interaction. What words do you want to spark in their minds when they see you and your small business?


The first few posts give a glimpse into what sort of content your followers can expect from you. How do you want that representation to be laid out? This sample should stay within the realm of what journey you want to take customers or clients on, and what working with you or buying from you may entail. The curtains slowly open on the stage during this time.

Set Your Tone

Your voice is unique and one vital element of launching social media is staying true to portraying that tone. Consistency in how you interact will help maintain that voice. But establishing your one-of-a-kind expression will help build your authority, relatability, and attract your ideal audience. Bring that magnetic personality into your posts and watch the magic happen.

Launching off social feeds on the right foot means introducing and reinforcing your brand aesthetic.

Brand Aesthetic

Launching off social feeds on the right foot means introducing and reinforcing your brand aesthetic. Similar to your voice, it provides an insight into what makes your small business stand out. What sets your business apart from others? The look and feel that you alone bring to the table. Draw them in with what makes you different. 


Not to beat a dead horse here, but leading them through the experience they receive when doing business with you is a great use of your social channels. Not only does this show professionalism, but it reads to potential customers what doing business with you looks like and means for them. When you give them a positive experience simply by a social interaction, they are more likely to want to throw their money at you out of trust and the emotion you elicit. 


A landslide of carefully crafted, curated and created content allows you to gain momentum quickly. Algorithms tend to favor swift action during a launch on social media platforms. The world of Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and the like for small businesses requires a digital marketing and brand strategy to ensure that propulsion can properly be set in motion. Your ideas can be elevated with the touch of an experienced hand.

Lighten Your Load

Having someone on your side taking care of the launch eases your shoulders of another tick to check off your growing list. Taking this task off your plate enables you to focus on all the other loose ends that need to be tied up. Solopreneur or not, running a small business is no easy feat. When you gain a right-hand man (or woman, come on now) to oversee the ins and outs of your social media launch, you also gain more time for more pressing matters that need your attention. 

Take Action

Does this sound right up your alley? Do you want someone to help you with content creation and strategy in regards to introducing your business across social media platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Facebook, or otherwise? You’ve come to the right place!

Our starter pack is your solution. The starter content is 1-2 weeks to kick off your social media in the right direction and set you up for success.